Every month RedCactus add new integrations, features and changes to existing integrations. The key points in release 3.37 are:
New (and updated) Phone Connectors
New (and updated) CRM Connectors from RedCactus
- TeleQ connector added.
- NetSuite CRM connector added.
- The Layer CRM connector added.
- Compenda CRM connector added.
- AccountView added Open Relation button for opening contacts in the relation management view.
- Odoo now supports the SearchBar.
- Odoo added new action button: Create Ticket.
- Odoo added ignore field list.
- New parameters added: $call_simulated, $number_is_anonymous, $number_is_internal.
- Automations can now be run synchronous / asynchronous.
- Automations new actions added: Disable CRM call forwarding, Disable CRM lookup, Disable CRM call registration, Disable last call information storage.
- Automations new conditions added: Call note finished.
- Automations Replace Parameter action can now set new parameters.
- Automations Http request action now uses automation state parameters instead of popup parameters.
- Automations new condition added: Call from same number.
- Parameter Lookup now supports multi-result.
New integrations are also coming in the coming months. Check RedCactus website: