What is new in SuperOffice 10? OnDemand enabley way to get updated


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What is new in SuperOffice 10? OnDemand enabley way to get updated

Learning!!! How you do it the modern way?

How you can teach x000 and x000 users of your cloud solution about new features and developments❗❓ How you can ensure they will use them properly and how much they learned❓

🎯 A great way is making short microlearning streams powered by enabley.

We used the blueprint of #What_is_new_in #SuperOffice #10 and an amazing video presentation from Cathrine Mula Davis and Erik Reijrink to assemble and present it in a new #enabley stream.

Access is #free and structure is easy learning to get to know what is new in #SuperOffice #CRM!

Here is the link: https://lnkd.in/eqMRTZ3j

Your feedback will be highly appreciated and we can improve it on the go!
p.s. Yes, there are a few sales like calls to action to get in touch, but it is #free!


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сряда, 1 декември 2021 г.
12:00 13:00 (UTC)

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